2011년 9월 16일 금요일


Resolution: Advertising that targets children should be banned from television.

1.     Commercials waste money.
2.     Ads often lie to viewers.
3.     Children are easily tricked so profits are made by taking advantage of young people.
4.     Children will be easily convinced to buy things in order to be popular, cool, part of the in group ect.
5.     It’s no right to trick children.
6.     Pestering parent causes stress.
7.     Children will not get healthy and get obese, by taking so much unhealthy foods that are mostly in the ads.
8.     Children get confused by the reality.
9.     Children are too young to think about the purpose of the ads.

1.     Lying about products is a necessary part of consumerism.
2.     T.V ads are no different than other types of ads.
3.     Children will be exposed to ads in some other way, no matter what.
4.     Being tricked by ads at a young age, teaches people valuable lessons.
5.     Commercials support the creators of our favorite shows.
6.     If they have no ads it means that the companies lose money.
7.     Ads are the main way people hear or learn about the products.
8.     It can be a funny and short show for children, who know that they are lying.
9.     It won’t really harm anybody, because not all of the children get tricked by it.
10.   They can advertise on good things such as milk ads or vegetables. They will mostly help the children to grow.
11.   When most children watch T.V, they usually don’t watch the commercials.

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