2011년 1월 25일 화요일

Amazing Race

   In saturday we did amazing race. We divided the groups into two and found the clues to match the sentences. For two hours we did the game. We had to go to everywhere Dasan, Dormitory, and ect. I was thrilled it was like a treasure hunt where we find clues to the treasures. When we were finding, I met my roomates and other teams friends. Lots of people were waiting for the game to win. If we win the game the teachers will give you the clues.
  We met our writing teacher Mr.Garrioch while we were resting. He told our team to fix something. There were a lot of things wrong in the paper. We were desperate, We had only one hour left and we had to start all over again. Some of my friends suggested that we just did what we did and fix it when we get back.
  We went to Mijok Building and our history T.A Meong Do Heong teacher was in there she said there are some clues around there. Then one of our team mates found the clue. When we looked at the clock we had only 20minuets left. We raced to the English Building to get one more thing to win. In the English Building, we did the game that we all have to get on the blanket and try to flip it over but you can't get your feet on the floor. When we suceeded, we looked at the clock.
  Oh my God!!!!! Only 2minuets left to go to our room or we will be disqualified. We ran quickly. One boy almost got a car crash. It was the most funniest memory when I think of Amazing Race

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